Wednesday, 9 February 2011

My First Blog!

After watching many fellow 'cake bakers' write blogs Ive decided to jump on the band wagon myself and write my own blog. Now I am hopeless at things like this as I normally start them and in a couple of weeks I get bored and stop so I am going to really 'try' and make this a regular thing. I will write about all things Cake related, Cakes and Cupcakes that I have made and have coming up, any hints and tips I have learnt along the way and maybe even do some tutorials occasionally.

OK, so where to begin.....? How about explaining how Evanly Cupcakes came about...!

Well, on July 3rd 2006 I gave birth to my beautiful baby boy Evan. Although I loved spending my maternity leave looking after and adoring my little boy, I did find that I started to get rather bored on occasions so I started to pass the time by baking. Fairy cakes were my speciality but I did make the odd occasion cake along the way. I made a vow to make every one of Evan's birthday cakes but that only lasted until his 3rd birthday when he wanted a Thomas The Tank Engine one. That was way too tricky for me back then! Anyway, as my little man got older he started to enjoy making cakes too and would often ask me "Can we make cakes today mummy? Can we make some cakes?" although I think it was more the 'eating' than the making that he would enjoy....!!

As time went on I started to make more and more cakes and get more and more creative. It was almost expected of me to make a cake whenever a birthday arose in the family. People started to tell me "Wow these cakes are brilliant, you should start your own business."  but I never really believed them, I just thought they were being polite. Surely I wasn't that good that people would pay for my cakes???

Well, it came to my Stepdad's 50th birthday and obviously it was down to me to make the cake. I made a cupcake tower with a giant cupcake on top and 100 Cupcakes underneath. The comments I got about it were amazing. Friends saw the photos on Facebook and started asking how much I charged and can I make a cake for so-and-so's birthday. So it all stemmed from there really. I looked into how I go about selling my cakes officially and my own Cupcake Business was born!

When it came to choosing a name for my business I couldn't have picked anything else. If it wasn't for my little man being born I wouldn't have got into cake making in the first place. And he is my Number 1 chief taster after all so its the least I can do!

The Cake that started it off. My Stepdad's 50th Birthday Cake


  1. Blogging is great! :o)

    I found joining twitter and adding lots of like minded people with similiar blogs helps keep you motivated, and get's more people to find you blog.
    I have two;

    Can't wait to read more of your posts and see more of you cakies! :o)

    Bev x

  2. oooh just been checking out your blog, thats fab. think i need to start doing some 'free from' cupcakes. i might just pinch some of your recipes
